JAS Testing
Hi there,
We have received your t-shirts at the Project Repat factory! Thanks for sending them in. You'll be notified if we have any questions and when your finished quilt ships back to you!
Special Promotion Alert!
For a limited time only, purchase a $30 Project Repat electronic gift card for only $10.
Guess what? Did you know you can help us recycle your t-shirt scraps AND get an awesome pair of socks at the same time? We broke down all your t-shirt scraps, combined them with other materials, and spun them into yarn to make Scrappy Socks! Take 15% off today with discount code 'friendsofrepat' discount auto-applied using this link.

Thanks again!
We can make you an embroidered sweatshirt using special clothing from you. Learn more
Project Repat Team
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